Monday, September 21, 2015

On Saturday, September 19th, 2015, the Austin American Statesman published an article about Stuart Bowen and his new approach to anti-Medicaid fraud. Unfortunately for the new Inspector General of embattled Texas health, Bowen inherited a federal investigation on Medicaid fraud and waste, having to deal with recovering the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars and reforming an office that is covered in controversy. He also has to "evolve Medicaid's landscape under the Affordable Care Act," a quest made complicated by Texas Lawmakers for undercutting the program. But as luck would have it, the Inspector General and the agency's new team has made progress over the last six months turning the department around by settling over 24 cases so far, recovering a total of nine million dollars.

I highly recommend my classmates and other blogers and readers of all kinds to have a look through this article for themselves.  affected by the Medicaid cut-backs. Stuart Bowen has gives hope that someday soon the Texas health agency will be back on it's feet, and give everyone that is in need of Medicaid and other health benefits the fair opportunity to receive help, and for tax payers to have what's only necessary taken from their checks. This article is also a good read on what is happening in Texas today and how it affects it's citizens.