Monday, November 2, 2015

Guns on School Grounds Texas Style

So just recently, our Governor of Texas Gregg Abbott signed the "Campus Carry Law" on June 1st, 2015, which allows license holders to carry a concealed handgun throughout university campuses. It is said to go in affect in August of next year. Now, I understand how great of a feat this must sound for those gun-wielding Texas conservatives who are all gun-hole for the Second Amendment,(especially due to the fact that there are about 850,000 Texans who have concealed handgun license) but it makes me wonder if Gov. Abbott and the people of Texas understand that introducing concealed firearms into an EMOTIONALLY-HEAVY EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT could potentially cause an epidemic of mass proportions!! (Regardless of the best intentions of gun carriers of course) Yes there is the argument that having more licensed carriers who know how to use a gun on campus can prevent shootings, but what if that same person with good intentions accidentally kills someone innocent because the he/she looked suspicious: would it be worth it in the end?

So..................... with that being said, how's about I get into why I disagree so strongly with the new regulation set in place for next year; shall we?

Let's look back at the incident that took place at the beginning of just last month (October 1st, 2015) where an Umpqua Community College student (in Roseburg, Oregon) killed eight students and an assistant professor, and harming nine other people in the process. There were student witnesses in the room with the killer who claim that he asked multiple people what religion they affiliate themselves with before killing them execution style. The killer was assumed to be an anti religious, mentally-ill person with white supremacist leanings. Or how about the Columbine shooting that took place in 1999, where two students murdered twelve of their classmates, a teacher, injuring twenty-four others, and eventually killing theirselves. And if that has you thinking "oh but that would never happen here"  than that classifies you as IGNORANT because shootings like the one's above can happen in Texas and HAS happened in Texas. My last example would be the mass-school-shooting that took place here in our state's capital itself, Austin, Texas back in August 1st, 1966 at the University of Texas. An  ex-military killed eighteen people, and injured thirty-one others. Two of his victims being his wife and mother before he decided to go on a homicidal rampage that same morning; a man who was diagnosed with PTSD and also considered to be mentally-ill.

At this point you're all probably wondering why these shootings are ever relevant to the "Campus-Carry Law that I explained in the beginning. Well it's quite simple; these schools at the time did not allow concealed-carried firearms on the campuses and still don't to this day unless you are law enforcement officers. So imagine, if people can manage to sneak in firearms onto school grounds  undetected and shoot up the place, wouldn't the "Campus-Carry Law" allow students and strangers easier access to these kinds of environment and create similar or even worse types of scenarios? The University of Texas at Austin for example has about 800 academics who signed a petition opposing the gun law: There is even a professor who resigned his position at the university because he fears of the "risk that a disgruntled student might bring a gun into the classroom" and do harm to him and his students. That goes to show how potentially dangerous this law can be if not looked upon a little more carefully.

College is suppose to be a place where people can peacefully receive an education and experience new things. And when there are people who identify themselves with different partisanships (such as race, gender, religion, ect.) attending public schools with this law in-affect, they are more than likely going to feel de-humanized, always living in constant fear as to whether or not they'll eventually be targeted. There is a time and a place for everything, and sure, guns have their uses for good, but I still don't believe that should give guns the right to be conceal-carried on school premises to ensure the safety of the students and faculty.

1 comment:

  1. Carrying concealed weapons in a college campus is such a big deal! I’m so happy that I’m not the only one who notices it! My wonderful and smart colleague Christopher wrote his blog about the new bill “Campus carry law” and completely nailed his argument on why it’s so dangerous to have college students carry a concealed weapon. I mean who can trust college student’s right?

    He starts off his argument by bring up horrifying examples of college campus stories that just break everyone’s heart. When you hear that some innocent person has been killed doesn’t it just hurt? He uses this great technique to make people understand why it’s such a horrible idea to let students carry concealed weapons in a campus where innocent and defenseless students attend everyday.

    To continue his argument he explains to the reader why any of these stories about other schools shootings are even relevant to his argument and he does an amazing job explaining how if a student in other states can sneak weapons into their campus where its ILLEGAL to have a weapon on campus and shot up the place imagine what a student how has THE RIGHT to carry a concealed weapon can do. It can cause incidental shootings and many other tragic things. Only one can imagine.

    He finishes his argument by giving an accurate definition of what college should be like It should be a place where students come and find who they want to be in life. They find their friends for life. A place where you’re supposed to feel safe.

    Chris does a fabulous job with his argument. He has a great introduction had me hooked from the very second I started reading his argument and leaving me wanting more!!!! I loved the fact that we both have the same thoughts about his new bill. Who would have thought that we both write about the same argument, but can I say great minds think alike. His arguments are strong not only are they facts but they do a great job on making the reader feel empathy for the innocent. His organization is on point. Over all his argument is strong and perfect!
