Monday, November 16, 2015

"Vanessa Speaks the TRUTH"

Fantastic! Just simply fantastic! When Vanessa speaks the truth,
"Vanessa Speaks the TRUTH!" When I noticed that you and I both wrote about our opinions on the "Campus Carry Law," I quickly jumped the gun, (forgive my ridiculous pun) having no other choice but to indulge myself with your thought process. At first, I was actually expecting an opinion that went against my own, and was ready to shut you down with the blink of an eye! But then I couldn't help but notice that we both believe that passing a law which allows license holders to carry a concealed handgun throughout university campuses is a VERY BAD IDEA. I very much agree that students taking the law into their own hands could lead to an even more dangerous situation. I noticed that we both used very similar factual evidence to back-up our thoughts about this particular subject and couldn't help but find a smile on my face.

I very much enjoyed your opinion on the subject matter, and believe that you did a much better job on organizing your thoughts than I did. By keeping a good balance between facts, asked questions and your own notions, you were able to keep me hooked from the very beginning, and only wanting more when I finished. If only I had seen this sooner, I would've copied and paste it as my own work and turned it in!! I probably would have received a better grade in the long run!! Ha!

But in all seriousness, we as college kids are stressed about having to make good grades, keeping up with what's going on in class while simultaneously having worry about our jobs and the relationships we are in with friends and family! It's not a matter of "if," but a matter of "when." "WHEN" a student cracks under all that pressure, and just so happens to have a license for a gun, there's no telling what that student is capable of. I know that many like-minded individuals such as ourselves can agree that we don't want to live in fear every time we walk on campus where there's always a constant threat all around us. This bill only creates more unnecessary anxiety.

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